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Types of Interior Flooring : Paint & wallpaper

Writer's picture: Deluxe InteriorsDeluxe Interiors

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Pilihan dinding dalam desain interior suatu hunian sangatlah penting. Dinding yang anda gunakan pada suatu desain interior akan sangat menentukan nuansa ruangan tersebut. Tidak hanya dinding saja, keseluruhan konsep desain interior juga harus senada dengan dinding yang dipilih.

Hal lain yang diperlu diperhatikan selain aspek estetika dari dinding, adalah karakteristik dinding tersebut. Karakteristik yang dimaksud adalah, bahan dan tekstur dari dinding tersebut. Karakteristik inilah yang mempengaruhi sensasi sentuhan dinding tersebut, juga menentukan bagaimana cara merawat jenis dinding tertentu.

Dinding cat dan wallpaper seringkali dijadikan pilihan untuk banyak desain interior di Indonesia. Untuk memahami lebih dalam, mari kita bahas bersama berbagai macam jenis dinding interior cat dan wallpaper yang umum digunakan di Indonesia :

Choosing the right type of flooring for interior design is crucial, since the choice of flooring used in interior design will significantly affecting the design theme. Therefore, it is important for you to choose the right type of flooring that match the interior design perfectly.

Besides the aesthetic aspect of flooring, other determining factor to consider in choosing your floor is the characteristics of the floor itself. These characteristics will determine how is the floor feel to the touch and how to maintain and take care each type of floor.

Paint and wallpaper flooring are commonly use in interior design in Indonesia. Thus, to get a better understanding, let us talk more about types of paint and wallpaper interior flooring that often use in interior design in Indonesia:


The most common wall covering use in Indonesia. Compared to other wall coverings, paint is the easiest to apply on wall. It also available in a lot of colors. Thus, these are the main advantages of paint. With these traits, no wonder a lot of people often change their wall paint whenever they feel like it.

The easy application of paint also has another benefit, which it can be use as a method to maintain and treat the wall itself. One main weakness of paint is it may sensitive to dirt, water and when the wall is damaged, the paint will be damaged as well. The best way to fix these problems is to reapply the paint onto the wall. Thus, as you reapply the new paint, it is also your chance to get new color for the paint.

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If you get bored to paint, another one of the easiest-to-apply wall cover is wallpaper. When facing similar problems of using paint, wallpaper offers different approach to fix these problems. Since it was a large size thick paper, by using a particular type of glue, wallpaper can be easily paste onto the wall, covering all damage on the wall, such as cracks, stains and dirt. Compare to paint, wallpaper has more choice of details and textures. Nowadays, you can find all sort of wallpaper on your nearby store.

Even though, wallpaper is some sort of quick fix for damaged wall problems, however it can be quite a challenge when the wallpaper itself is damaged. It can be torn, stained or loose edges. When it happens, it is indeed quite difficult to fix. The damaged part of wallpaper should be taken off and replaced with the new sheet. This part is really tricky to do it by yourself. Usually, this work is done by professional or experienced handyman to ensure that the wallpaper is applied correctly.

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The article has given us the general overview of each types of paint and wallpaper flooring. Based on the given information, you should have better idea of what types of flooring suits your interior design best. Please note that at least you should have a rough concept of the interior design you want, to help you choose the type of floor you want to apply.

Thus, before you fixed your floor of choice, it’s better to consult with professional interior designer. They can suggest you some good and interesting ideas for you to consider.

Deluxe Interiors – Alam Sutera may be your choice of interior design office. Deluxe Interiors – Alam Sutera is a interior design company that provide interior design consultation, interior design construction and renovation, customize furniture and property agency. All the interior design and custom furniture are made by our professional interior designer and experienced craftsmen in our own workshop using only the high-quality materials to create the best interior design that worth the price.

For more information about Deluxe Interiors – Alam Sutera, visit us at or call our interior design office (+62) 083812937555 and property agency office (+62) 083897802186, or come visit our office in Silkwood, Maple Tower, Alam Sutera, Serpong Utara, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia 15143. -6.224350387204029, 106.65082700141797

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